Wellness Coach | Wellness Speaker

Consultation Services

Don’t wait any longer


I provide four one-hour consultations as a package. Included with that I take several hours of my time to create a plan of action. Areas I concentrate on depending on client’s specific needs:

Condition’s Tom supports:

I also use a very advanced digital scanner to assess frequencies of the body, emotions and more to help balance them.

This can be done remotely. The reports will be emailed with results.

More information on AO scanner – The Future in Non-Invasive Digital Body Analysis –
https://aoscan.com/  (Some wellness centers charge up to $500 for scan technologies similar to AO scan.)

How Does It Work?

Schedule a one-on-one consultation today and discover the transformative power of tailored guidance and support.

Whether you’re seeking recovery from an illness or aiming to optimize your overall well-being, Tom is here to assist you every step of the way.

Take the first step toward a healthier and more vibrant life by scheduling a meeting with Tom Fisher now.

Simply fill out the form and Tom will be in contact shortly.

Consults can be done by phone, WhatsApp or ZOOM. 
